
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mark Your Calendars for Acadia Community Garden Next meeting Thurs. Apr 18, and June 1st Build Date

Hi Acadia Garden and Art Fans!

The next meeting - Thursday, April 18 at the ARC.
Meetings switch to the third Wed. of each month from May 16th, and June 20th.
We do not meet in July and Aug as we will be too busy gardening and will enjoy meeting up there.

BUILD DAY We are excited to start the build on Saturday June 1st.

BANNER:  We are posting a banner on the garden site next week - please watch for it to go up by Friday. Acadia Digital Post did a fabulous job designing it and the sign was paid for with Calgary 2012 grant money.

RAISED BEDS: We have spent our Calgary 2012 grant funds on spruce wood from Acadia's RONA for the first 9 raised beds - one to represent each of the founding families that have met to create this garden.  RONA is kindly storing the wood until we can find somewhere to keep it. If you have space to hold onto the wood for us until June 1st, please let us know.  As we find funds, we will continue to build beds.  If you are interested in renting a raised bed this year, please contact us.

VOLUNTEERS:  Anyone renting a raised bed must volunteer to build and maintain the garden. There are lots of fun and interesting roles to help out in the garden.  Everything from manning info tables, making snacks for build day, fundraising with fun art button machine and other ideas, chatting with residents to get the word out,  building raised beds, collecting and laying sheets of cardboard for the underlay, contacting an arborist for free wood chips, mowing the lawn area weekly, connecting with artists for the garden art, planning a gardening session, a seed exchange,  planning harvest festival....  Let us know your skills and passion, and we can find something to fit you and support the garden.

SHED:  We are looking for a 10 x 10 shed. We have an awesome design for one from RONA, but need to find some more money to purchase it. The shed will be used for garden tools and  to keep the water tap keys and our new grey 6 foot table, that we bought at Rona with Calgary 2012 grant money. The table will be handy for drinks and snacks on build day and has been used as an info table.  I am excited by the idea of of playing table top games on it in the garden! :)

EASTER SEALS AMBASSADOR:  We are delighted to have the  2012 Easter Seals ambassador & Acadia resident, Evan Mosco, helping us with the design of the garden. He will test for us the heights of raised beds to see what works for youth using tools such as wheelchairs.  If you know anyone else using tools like wheelchairs, walkers, and canes that would have advice for us about garden design - please welcome them to get involved before build day.  We want to hear what they have to say.

GARDEN REFUGE:  If you have ideas about developing a spot in the garden for thoughtful, peaceful solace when people are going through difficult times, I encourage you to come forward.  We have room for perennial beds, and gathering place.  When you have been grief stricken, overwhelmed, burdened, worried, concerned, thoughtful, peaceful etc.would or did a garden space comfort you?

MENTORING:  We have a number of successful community gardens coming forward to mentor us via our amazing mentor at the Calgary Horticultural Society, Janet Melrose.  We are building an amazing support community for our garden!  Thank you Janet!

FUNDRAISING:  We were fortunate to have start up funds with the Calgary 2012 Grant.  Our garden is mentioned in the 5000 Stories and Counting book that was created to commemorate Calgary 2012's amazing year.  We are applying for grants and already have community residents coming forward willing to donate to make the garden a reality.  If you or someone you know would like to support the garden in some way, either in kind, as a volunteer, or with a monitory donation, we are delighted to connect with you. You have a committed executive excited to work with you to bring the next phases of the garden to reality.

ART IN THE GARDEN: Community visual artists - we are looking for a win-win - you design artwork for buttons for the garden and you both have a share in the sales.  Currently accepting designs for 1 1/2 button sizes.  This is a new fundraiser and we are looking at how best to make it work.  The equipment is owned by Acadia Business, Sandhurst Sculpture Inc.  Be on the ground floor of developing this fundraiser and to see how we can promote each other.

COLLABORATIVE ART:  "Where's The Skills? Acadia - April 24 at 6:00 pm at McDougall United Church. Geoff Sandhurst is an Acadia Artist working in mixed media.  Geoff is presenting a slideshow on collaborative art to inspire all the Acadia's community to dream big and create a collaborative sculpture for the community garden as a community wide fundraiser.  He has the skills, and you know your community. He will show you how he and the school community supported 500 students to research and select design elements for the King George School collaborative sculpture "Under the Prairie Sky".  The students were involved in texturing the metal aspen leaves that create the outdoor sculpture. Then we will get busy ourselves and create a button or magnet from our own art work - we can even trade our buttons with each other!

ACADIA JANES WALK - ARTS CULTURE AND GOOD EATS IN ACADIA:  Saturday, May 4th, Acadia Jane's Walk starts at 10:00 am.  I am the walk leader and am delighted that we will be touring the Jehovah Witness Hall.  I am waiting for confirmation on two other building tours.  There will be historic pictures of the community, a tour of the garden site, and artists of all disciplines are encouraged to come on out and say hello to us and share with us what you are doing in the community.  Expect to see 3 wheeled 6" unicycle drive by, and a song or two sung by one of our local youth. I encourage the whole community to get involved. Walk our community or one of the other amazing communities featured this year.  If you have pictures to share about our wonderful community and stories of its history, its art, its culture and its good eats, contact Corinne at 403 719-5509  or The walk gets richer with everyone that participates in it!

Other opportunities:

EXOTIC EDIBLES: Chapparal Greenthumbs is offering a session:   Exotic Planting: Growing Untraditional Food in the Calgary Climate April 11 at 7:00 pm  $5.00 to find the link to register.

GARDEN SHOW: The Calgary Horticulture Society's garden show is April 13 & 14 at Spruce Meadows.  Haysboro Dreamcatchers Garden is being highlighted there and Lisa from the Haysboro Dreamcatchers invited us to drop by her booth to chat. She has already given us lots of info about fundraising.  The Haysboro Dreamcatchers garden is beautiful and inspiring.

BEES www.Backyard  - Interested in having bees in your yard, want to learn more, interested in mentorship?  Check out this page - for three amazing options to have bee hives in your yard.  Option #3 is amazing and I copied it below.  and here is the link for more options


In this relationship, A.B.C keeps their honeybees in your yard, manages the hives responsibly, and does not require to offer educational mentorship to members of the household.
- Help protect the honeybee and support urban beekeeping. 
- You receive 25% of the honey surplus by the hives in your yard.
- A.B.C is responsible to the total care of the colonies
- You receive free access to Summer Field Days for you and 2 guests 


BUTTERFLY KITS:  Ever wanted to raise and release butterflies?  Check out these two sites:
Butterfly Wings and Wishes Ltd. 
Butterfly Beautiful:

LADYBUGS - We released ladybugs for my daughter's 9th birthday. It was wonderful.  Check out  Takes orders from May-August.

See you in the Garden!


Corinne Sandhurst
Acadia Community Garden
(403) 719-5509

If you find errors in these blog - thank you for reading and please let me know what they are! I am grateful for your attention to detail! :)

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